Thursday 14 March 2013

A Song Of Love

In a far away land, amidst a garden of prune,
There lived a damsel, in her safely woven cocoon.
Dainty she was, an epitome of simplicity,
Many an envious eye, were cast over her pricking beauty.

The crack of dawn; It was yet another morning,
So bright, filled with new hope and yearning.
The birds' chirps sounded insipid, no joy it seemed to bring;
For it was superseded, unwillingly,
by the tunes of glee, that she loved to sing.

She was lost in the rhythm, her notes low and high,
Little did she know, that it was reaching the ears,
of an awe-struck and absorbed passerby.
He swam across the yard, to its origin, dazed,
Like an invisible string was pulling him through a maze.

He silently listened, his heart drifted astray,
An anomalous spark, rekindled, made him stay.
He caught a glimpse of her, walking by the creek;
Until this moment, he felt, his world was bleak.

He looked into her eyes, admiringly, as she paced by,
She quickly looked away, she was scared, shy;
A sense of fear, stirred up in her mind,
Fear of attachment, maybe, she wasn't ready to unwind.

His reassuring glances, put her at ease,
She looked back at him, this time, with a feeble smile,
A moment he wished never ceased.
They exchanged words, through mere vision,
Cupid had almost played his trick, the two were in unison.

They lost track of time, the evening sun was about to set,
'I've to go now', she said, and ran inside with a giggle, a consent;
'I will come back tomorrow', he promised,
And left with a heart full of content.

She watched him fading into the dark,
Assured that he would come by.
A tear trickled down her cheek gently,
As unreasonable fondness had sprouted in her eyes.

- A

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